September 01, 2009

Watt Time : Unique Clock in the Sshape of a Lightbulb

Unique Clock in the Sshape of a Lightbulb
The Watt Time is a unique clock in the shape of a lightbulb. This clock it’s made of a high gloss hard plastic which enables the bright blue LED of the digital clock to shine through from the inside out.
Unique Clock in the Sshape of a Lightbulb

On the top, where the lightbulb’s socket end would be is a big easy to press snooze button. The rest of the buttons are located on the back side of the bulb so as not to ruin the bulb’s effect. Right now the Watt Time is a presale for $24.99 via Quirky and should they hit 300 pre-orders, the product will go into production for real.


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

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